Liv-52 Growth promoter and metabolic stimulant Suitable for Birds,dogs , cats, goats, sheeps and other pets Increase Milk Yield Hepatic Stimulant Himcal Himcal is a Calcium and phosphorus feed supplement Promotes bone density and strength: HimCal contains calcium and phosphorus derived from oyster shell. The ratio of Ca:P is 2:1. It ensures the formation of strong bones in growing animals. Stimulates milk production: HimCal is fortified with galactopoetic herbs that stimulate the secretory functions of mammary alveoli and the promote growth of lobuloalveolar tissue, which improves milk production.
Growth promoter and metabolic stimulant & Himcal Calcium Suspension Animal Feed Supplements
Promotes bone density and strength
Stimulates milk production (improves milk production)
For Development of exoskeleton and to improve molting in Aquatic Species
Hepatic Stimulant
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